Friday, 21 April 2017

Slimming world Syn Value Pot Noodles

Hi everyone
So i am here with Another selection of Syn Value Picture Posts

Before joining slimming world i always had these favourite's at home.
On an evening when i wasn't all that hungry and just wanted a snack of comfort food i always had my favourite Pot noodle chicken and mushroom and it always filled a hole so to speak.

I rarely have these anymore just as i try to cook my meals from scratch but there is the odd time i will have a pot noodle for convenience.
So here we go here is the syns value's for pot noodles for anyone starting out or looking for syns of these favourites hope this helps.

All syn values have been checked and double checked as of April 2017 and correct at the time of posting.
Please Beware The Syn Values on the picture's below are for Slimming world Extra Easy plan.

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